Achieve Optimal Warranty Labor Rate Increases For Your Dealership

Take your dealership to the next level by getting beneficial warranty labor
rate increases, a strategic step to grow your bottom line.

Warranty Labor Rate Increase

When a dealership pays for repairs on an item, they are required to use the average hourly rate charged outwards by manufacturers, a process often documented in a warranty labor rate increase letter. The calculations are relatively straightforward but do require some thought before proceeding and can vary between different brands of cars or even states within one country.

After much thought and research, the decision to go with warranty repairs through an organization such as Warranty Part is usually made. Manufacturers need to be reimbursed at average hourly rates charged by retail customers, which often involves navigating through warranty labor rate increases. Still, different companies have varying reimbursement schemes, which makes knowing the right number difficult without experimenting first.

To increase their employees’ pay, many manufacturers will require a survey of nearby same make franchises. This process can often tie into considerations for a warranty rate increase. If an individual tries to go from $85 per hour labor up into higher territory like $95 or even $100, it will probably face some resistance depending on what kind of market this is for that particular brand in question. Despite the potential resistance, there could still very much be room for improvement, possibly even in the context of a warranty rate increase.

Effective labor rate, often highlighted in the warranty labor rate increase, is the amount of money spent on staff, wages, and benefits to keep them busy. This includes things like tire rotations or changeovers and any other service you might offer your customers at their request, such as oil changes. It’s important because if they are not effective enough, people will notice a difference when doing these services themselves with lower quality parts leading to unhappy clients.

Factors That Impact Warranty Rate Increase

The 3 Corner Check of the Repair Order is a must in every dealership. Someone other than service department employees should be verifying that customers are being charged correctly for their repairs and get paid what they deserve. It means technicians need to ensure you are getting exactly one hour per job no matter how many minutes it takes. Paying more than standard rates reduces profit margins, so this step will keep things neat at both ends by ensuring high-quality workmanship with low overhead costs due primarily to proper pricing strategies.

The company offers discounts without an explanation or a process to monitor and control them. They like to sell at wholesale rates too, which is interesting.

If you have documentation for your discounts, that is a great way to ensure increased labor rates.

Start Now To Increase Your Warranty Labor Rate

Warranty Part is here to help your dealership with its warranty needs. We will determine how much of a warranty labor rate potential increase is possible for your case, and inform you. All the information you provide us stays confidential, so you can be rest assured that no one else will know about this besides us. Our team will help you with:

Draft An Effective Warranty Labor Rate Increase Letter

Creating an impactful warranty labor rate increase letter is a crucial step in ensuring your dealership receives the compensation it deserves for a warranty labor rate increase. This letter must articulate your case with precision, reflecting an understanding of the industry standards and your unique business situation. A well-written letter can be instrumental in negotiating better terms with manufacturers, thus improving your bottom line. Let us guide you through this process, providing you with the tools and expertise needed to navigate this important aspect of dealership management.

Don’t miss the opportunity to get your dealership a well-deserved warranty labor rate increase. Schedule a consultation with us NOW!

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Yes. It’s the law in nearly every state, yet many dealers have not taken advantage of the potential financial benefits that this can bring.

Yes. Check out our website interactive map Read your state’s law regarding warranty rates.

This is a common misconception and often paralyzes dealers with fear. The truth is most state laws are specifically written to protect dealers from punitive audits by the factory. In our 25 + years of experience, we have never had a client audited due to a rate increase.

Remember, the factory has a team of legal experts dedicated to stopping dealers from receiving higher rates. Ask yourself these important questions before attempting it on your own:

  • Do I have the experience required to be successful?
  • Do I have the time to do it myself?
  • Do I have intimate knowledge of the law?
  • Do I have the tools to get every dollar available to me?

We charge a low, flat fee and never take a cut of your increase.

45 – 60 days on average from start to finish. Most states allow the factory 30 days to review your claim.